Acne Effects And Natural Medications Online

Acne Effects And Natural Medications Online

Acne is also known as pimples and is very much a common occurrence not just in girls but also in the case of boys. What happens is that there are certain kinds of changes that the body is going through at the age of the teenage years. At such times, hormones are developing, and being produced at much faster rates.

These modifications lead to different kinds of reactions in the skin. They are in the form of spots and inflammations in the skin. As a result of this, there is puberty that occurs in the person. Therefore, he or she is more likely to get acne disorders.


There are times when the guy or girl feels ashamed of this state of health and becomes more conscious of the looks and appearances, and might even developing insecurities with regard to meeting people.

This in turn can lead to the person becoming an introvert or make the person stay inside the house or within the interiors more than before.

Also, as it is said, the first impression is the last one. Thus there is a chance of the opposite human being making a wrong impact on a new person that he or she meets.


However, the condition is not restricted to only the growing children. It is also found amongst a lot of adults as well. There are many other causes and reasons that contribute to bringing about a problem of this nature.

These causes can be considered to be as eating a lot of oily food. Being exposed to a lot of dust and pollution or even not taking enough care of the skin on the facial area.

Acne is treatable and there are many solutions available to someone who is suffering from the problem. However, it is always better to avoid getting it instead of allowing it to take place and then trying to treat it.


It is important to have a healthy diet in order to prevent and heal from such situation. Fried food items must not be consumed.

Eatables that have too much of oil content in them should also not to be taken.

Similarly, there is a need to consume nutritious substances. Sadly, chocolates also need to be kept away. These may include green and leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and so on.

Natural medications  
There are many remedies that are available in the market or in generic pharmacy stores. A lot of these drugs can also be bought online. At the same time, there are many homemade forms of treatments that can be accessed from the kitchen in the house itself.
Most importantly, drink a lot of water through the course of the day. This will help improve the movement of the bowel and shall thus help keep the system clean which will automatically clear the skin.
Wash and clean your face regularly and at short intervals with herbal soaps. Avoid solutions that involve chemicals.
Apply fruit face-packs.

7 Causes of Acne on the Chins to Be Praised

acne on chin

The chin is the area most often encountered by acne. Why so? Yes, because the chin is part of the T zone on the face that is often oily. This is because around the chin, sebaceous glands that produce excess oil.

If there is an increase in oil production and the excess is not excreted through it will cause clog pores, and ultimately acne ditimbul dilagu. Not a few cases of acne inflamed and severe.

Inflammation of acne is a condition where the acne swells up and becomes purulent. Of course very disturbing because acne will cause pain when touched by the hand. Then what is the cause of acne in the background?

Well, on this occasion will be commenting on the cause of acne didagu that should be known. Curious what the cause? Yuk see below explanation.

The Causes of Acne on the Chins to Know

1. Menstruation. The first cause that causes acne induced is due to menstruation. Because during the menstrual period there will be hormonal imbalance in the body. Well, this hormonal imbalance that triggers the occurrence of acne in your school.

2. Stress Factors. The second cause that causes acne is a stress factor. Just as menstruation, stress factors and prolonged depression can also be a trigger for acne in your face and face.

3. Sweat. The third cause is the cause of acne is sweat. Because when we sweat, then this sweat will be mixed with oil which of course will clog the skin pores and is a good place for the bacteria that cause acne.

4. Touching Acne with Hands. The fourth cause that causes acne in the bud is touching acne by hand. It can not be denied that the hands are a source of bacteria, dust, and dirt. Well, when you have a habit of touching acne with empty hands then the bacteria in your hands will move kedagu and cause acne.

5. Unhealthy Diet. The fifth cause of acne is due to unhealthy eating patterns. If you continue to consume foods that contain fat, high sugar, and junk food and others, then do not be surprised if the acne will keep coming to your chin.

6. Lazy Bath. The sixth cause that causes acne induced is due to lazy bathing. When you are lazy bath, your skin will not clean. Well, the cause of acne is due to accumulate bacteria, dust, and dirt on your face.

7. Cosmetic Use. The seventh cause of acne is due to the use of cosmetics. By using cosmetics that do not match your facial skin it will cause your acne dandruff.

Well, that's a review of the cause of acne that should be known. If the above explanation is not clear or you want to share the experience please comment under yes gais. May be useful..

A Powerful Natural Mask Eliminates Acne Scars

face mask for acne

Not only the appearance of acne alone that often makes growled. Sometimes acne scars did not disappear completely. This is what often makes the face filled with pockmark which of course is very unsightly.

Acne scars will indeed interfere with the appearance. However, do not rush to apply cream from the doctor because many contain high chemicals.

Instead of Using Chemicals to Quell Acne Scars, More Wisely If You Try 7 Masks from this Natural Material!

1. Lemon juice is not only refreshing, but very efficacious as a mask of beauty. It's no secret if the lemon fruit that contains high vitamin C is very good for health as well as beauty. Vitamin C is a good antioxidant to prevent various diseases, increase the immune system, form collagen, to prevent free radicals.

To make lemon juice mask is not difficult anyway. You just need to make lemon juice with a little water so the result will be more viscous. After that apply on the surface of the face evenly. Let stand for approximately 15 minutes then rinse with clean water. Routine do this activity in the afternoon or evening. Voila ! Former acne will gradually disappear by itself.

2. Former blackheads will soon go thanks to a mask from the collision of soybeans are easily formulated themselves. In addition to lemons, you can make a natural mask derived from soybeans. Soybeans contain high vegetable protein. Not only good for a healthy diet, but also good for beauty. To make it only takes 7 minutes. Soak the soybeans for 4 minutes, then crush them with a cobek.

After that, stick the finely ground soy powder on the acne scars on the face. Let stand for 30 minutes after that rinse with warm water and last rinse with cold water.

3. Chewy aloe vera mask will make acne scars soon disappear. Aloe vera meat is not only powerful to treat skin burning fire, but also efficacious to remove acne scars. How to make aloe vera mask is very simple. Cut aloe vera then apply evenly on acne scars on the face. Let stand for a while. Perform this habit on a regular basis, no wonder if your facial skin back smooth as never acne before.

4. Baking soda paste can be used as a primary weapon to combat acne scars in advance. Baking soda is not only commonly used to make cakes, it turns out this one ingredient can also remove acne scars and make skin smooth face again. To make it you just need to prepare baking soda and water. Take baking soda to taste and add with a little water. Stir well until it becomes a paste. Apply on acne scars on face and let stand until dry. Afterwards wash face with water. Easy enough right?

5. The humidity of the face will be faithful awake thanks to masks of tomatoes and cucumbers are easy to make. Both vegetables and fruit are indeed very common. Usually we will find them as fresh vegetables. However, it turns out both of these fruits have a function to keep the face moisture lho pitch! How to make a cucumber-tomato mask is very easy, you just smoothing 1 tomato and 1 cucumber until soft. Then apply to face and let stand for 30 minutes. After that, rinse with cold water. If this activity is often dilakoni, acne scars are guaranteed not to stay for long in advance.

6. Warm clove oil on the face was able to remove acne scars perfectly. Clove was not only for the manufacture of cigarettes, there are many other benefits behind it. Cloves function as pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial. Even if applied regularly the acne will be deflated and disappear without any imprint. However, because it has a very strong formula, usually the use of clove oil needs a doctor's prescription and should not be mixed with other drugs or creams.

7. A blend of egg whites and honey - an effectual mask that will make acne scars go by. It's no secret if honey has a myriad of benefits. To make the face free from stubborn pimples you can use egg whites and honey as a mask. The first step you can do is apply honey evenly on the surface of the face and let stand for 15 minutes. Rinse with clean water, then apply egg whites only on acne scars before going to sleep. Let stand until morning and rinse with water. If done regularly, then within 1-3 days of acne scars will definitely disappear completely.

From now on do not depend on drugs that contain chemicals that are high, yes! If there are many natural ingredients around us that can be used to remove acne scars, then what are you waiting for?

Top 10 How To Heal Acne On The Chin That Stubborn Quickly

acne on chin

How to cure acne on the chin is a problem of acne that feels very annoying. Acne on the chin sometimes even pain and aches. Not to mention, this acne will lower your confidence. Imagine if you've dressed up neatly but suddenly found acne on your big chin, sore, and fester. Of course this is a nightmare you do not want to experience, do you?

Therefore, if you find a recalcitrant acne that appears on the chin, you need to as soon as possible overcome it to get lost quickly.

Do not let the acne on the chin get bigger, sicker and worse.

Here are 16 ways to heal acne on the chin that we have summarized for you.

    1. Diligent Cleansing Faces

This first way is the best starting point to cure acne on the chin. Dirt that accumulate in the face is one of the main causes of acne on the chin.

Wash your face with a routine at least twice a day with a facial soap containing anti-bacterial substances such as Triclosan. When washing your face, massage your face carefully, then rinse with water before drying it with a clean towel.

    2. Diligently Replacing Masks

Mask is here is a mask that you normally use to cover the nose and mouth when outdoor activities. If you must often use a mask every day, you need to diligently wash your mask so as not to appear acne on the chin. Acne on the chin may appear due to the movement of bacteria from the mask to the face. If you are lazy to wash the mask, use a disposable mask that can be immediately discarded if it is not used.

    3. Using Lime

Lime is an anti-bacterial ingredient that has long been known to solve the problem of acne. If you have acne problems on your chin, squeeze the lime and wipe the water carefully on your chin. Let stand until the lemon juice is dry, then you can rinse it with warm water slowly. Do this regularly, especially before you sleep at night.

    4. Using Olive Oil

Olive oil is a powerful natural ingredient to cure various diseases. Olive oil is also rich in antioxidants that can counteract free radicals and inhibit aging. If you have acne problems on the chin, apply olive oil on your acne carefully. Regular olive oil will make you avoid acne problems on the chin.

    5. Using Honey

Just like olive oil, honey is also a natural ingredient that can calm acne on the chin, especially inflamed pimples. You can apply honey on your chin if you experience acne. The use of honey will be more effective when you mix it with other natural ingredients, for example with lime juice.

    6. Using Garlic

As an anti-bacterial ingredient that can kill the germs that cause acne, the efficacy of garlic you can use to cure acne on the chin. Take one clove of garlic, then split in half. Apply the garlic clove hemispheres carefully to your acne and then see the results. Remember, you should make a natural treatment with this garlic at least 2 times a day during the morning and afternoon.

    7. Wearing Special Cream at Shave

Shaving in a dry face without any soap or cream that lubricates, will make the face easily hurt. If there is injury to the face, bad bacteria can enter into the pores. This is what can make acne appear on the chin and interfere with your appearance.

If you are a man who is used to shaving regularly, make sure you use a special soap or cream to shave so that your chin is not easily injured and bring out unwanted acne. 

    8. Diligently Replacing Razors

This way 8 still has something to do with the habit of shaving the chin area. A good shaving razor or razor is one that has a sharp blade. You should not use a blunt razor, let alone dirty and rusty for shaving. In addition to being dangerous, such a razor can cause skin injuries and transmit bacteria to the chin. As a result, if you shave your chin too often with a blunt razor, you can experience annoying problems like acne.

    9. Using Salicylic Salicy Acid

Salicylic acid is a powerful ingredient to prevent and treat acne on the chin. Active ingredients often found in the form of anti-acne ointment or cosmetics, are very useful for killing bacteria and relieve acne inflammation in the chin.

But remember, not all types of skin resistant with drugs containing salicylic acid. You need to consult your dermatologist before using it.

    10. Using Tea Tree Oil

Like salicylic acid, tea tree oil aka tea three oil can ease acne on the chin. Tea tree oil is an active ingredient that acts as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. Apply tea tree oil regularly on acne on your chin to heal it without causing pain.

So how to cure acne on the chin you need to know. Hopefully with the ways above, you can avoid the problem of acne on the chin which is certainly very disturbing.

Traits of acne Cysts that must be Known

acne cyst

Everything about acne is usually surprising for teens who experience puberty. But acne is not only troubling teenagers. Adults who have acne prone skin often feel insecure. This is one of the psychological effects of acne that appears. The cause of acne is various. It is important for everyone who is acne to understand the cause of acne based on internal and external factors in order to avoid acne attacks.

From the types of acne and how to overcome it you can do, one of the most severe is cyst acne. Acne cysts look very clear on the face because of its large and fluid-filled shape. If you have not really understood what acne cysts, yuk recognize the characteristics!

1. Grows on oily skin

Oily skin is essentially more vulnerable to acne, including acne stone. The production of sebum in oily skin is higher than dry skin, due to the large number of oil glands present. Sebum that is too much risk of clogging the hair follicles and cause the growth of acne. It gets worse when coupled with a hormone imbalance in a person. Excess hormone production will occur when a person has a puberty or menstrual phase.

The oily skin owner should be extra careful and take care of her skin very well. If you are exposed to hormone acne when puberty or menstruation, there are many ways of overcoming acne due to excess hormones .

2. The size is large

One characteristic feature of acne cyst that distinguishes it from other acne is the size of acne stone. Acne cysts have a large size that looks as if it grows from under the swollen skin. This is what causes acne stone very visible to the naked eye.

Worse, this acne can not be covered with makeup or cosmetics. Acne cysts are more easily inflamed if covered with cosmetics or talcum powder. No wonder if acne cysts include acne types that are very disturbing and reduce the confidence of the acne sufferer.

3. Have a hard texture

It seems appropriate if cyst acne is categorized as a severe type of acne. In addition to its large size to easily visible, characteristic acne characteristics of the other cyst is to have a hard texture. Usually acne appears in the form of small, soft, and can still be disguised with a little makeup.

Another case with acne cysts. Since the onset of acne cysts appear, the size is large and as if protruding from beneath the skin surface. Touching acne is not recommended because it can be the cause of inflamed acne . But to find acne cysts, touch acne with clean hands without squeezing. Feel the texture of acne, and if it feels hard like a stone, then the acne is a cyst acne.

4. Feeling pain in the skin

The characteristic of the next cyst acne is to cause pain in the skin. When the acne begins to grow until it is ripe and finally healed, acne cyst will cause pain even if not touched. But do not ever touch or even squeeze cystic acne because the result will be fatal for the skin. Acne cyst will be more inflamed if touched or squeezed and can cause infection if not treated immediately. Acne cyst infections will leave black marks that are hard to remove and make skin pockmarked.

5. Often appear in men

Compared with women, men have a greater risk for acne cysts. So if you are male and have oily facial skin, be careful with this type of acne. Men's skin has more active sebaceous glands than women. Sebaceous glands play a role in producing sebum in the face, which can potentially cause acne if it clogs the pores of the skin.

Androgen hormones also play a role in forming cyst acne. Incidentally this hormone is more dominant men. Too many hormones will trigger a hormonal imbalance in the body that triggers the appearance of acne.

6. Spread rapidly

One characteristic feature of acne cyst is it is able to spread very quickly in the skin. This is one reason you should not touch or squeeze pimple cysts. In acne cysts there are many bacteria that are very easy to spread in other parts of the skin. This spread will be twice as fast if you frequently touch acne and touch the face. Your hands will move the bacteria from one part of the face to the other face.

Acne cysts are very easily inflamed and cause infection of the skin around the area of ​​acne. Inflammation and inflammation that occur on the skin will grow acne cyst the other. There are ways to get rid of acne with papaya that can cure acne cysts.

7. It contains pus and blood

Acne cysts can be easily marked. Acne cyst is a type of acne that is severe and filled with fluid. In acne the cysts are ripe and inflamed, in which there will be fluid pus or blood. In this phase usually acne will feel itchy and hot, so we will be tempted to squeeze and remove the contents. This is strictly prohibited because it can harm skin health.

When you squeeze pimple cysts until the blood and pus out, the blood and pus will infect other parts of the skin and bring up a new cyst acne. In addition, squeezing acne cysts can also result in pockmarks and scars on the face.

8. Cause black spots

Another feature of acne cyst is that it will leave marks of black spots on the skin. This acne is indeed severe and hard to cure. Acne cysts will grow enlarged and eventually inflamed.

If left untreated and given proper care, acne stones will leave black marks that are hard to remove. Not only does it leave black acne scars, acne stones will leave scars on the face and make the skin become very rough and hollow.

9. Hard to cure

Acne cysts will grow enlarged and hardened. In addition, acne cyst will be inflamed and contains pus and blood. Acne cysts take a relatively long time to get rid of the total. If your skin is overgrown with acne cysts, then be patient waiting until the acne matures and heals. Squeezing pimples until the fluid out will cause infection of the facial skin and make the growth of acne spread faster.

Choose the correct treatment to cure acne cysts up to the roots. Treatment to remove acne cysts can be done in various ways, both natural and medical.

That is characteristic of acne cysts that must be known. As mentioned above, acne cysts are more prone to attack someone who has oily skin. Therefore do acne facial treatments and oily naturally that can be done alone at home. The growth of acne on the face is not desirable of all people, but if it is already, care in the right way to heal ya!

4 Ways to use baking soda to overcome stubborn acne

Ways to use baking soda to overcome stubborn acne

Acne on a stubborn face? Maybe you need to try this one way to solve it. Baking soda or baking soda is powerful to cure and treat acne prone skin, you know.

This material can cure acne, dry out acne, remove excess oil from the skin, as well as eroding acne scars and exfoliation of dead skin due to acne.

Here we show how to use baking soda to overcome the acne summarized from Style Craze.

1. Cure acne

Combine baking soda and water to make a thick paste. Apply on face. Rub it with a circular motion all over the face. Leave on for 15 minutes. This mixture will open the pores, remove dead skin cells, and eliminate the bacteria that cause acne. Perform this treatment once a week for maximum results.

2. Prevent acne stains

Baking soda can also help to prevent the occurrence of dark spots and scars after the acne is healed. Combine water and baking soda with a 3: 1 ratio. Apply on face and leave overnight, then rinse with warm water. This blend also works to dry the excess oil on the skin.

3. Scrape acne scars

Acne often leaves marks or exfoliation. To refine the skin, you can try making a scrub from baking soda. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with regular facial cleanser. Then gently rub on the face for about 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can also add lemons for maximum results.

4. Baking soda mask

Face masks from baking soda can remove excess oil from the skin. This facial mask can help reduce acne as well and is suitable for all skin types.

You can make it by mixing about 8 teaspoons of baking soda and 4 spoons of water. Clean the face with warm water and pat to dry. Apply a mask on the facial skin and leave for 15 minutes or until the mask dries. Rinse the mask and dry the face with a soft towel. Then immediately apply a moisturizer to the neck and face. This will keep the face hydrated. Use this face mask at least twice a week to get the desired result.

Those are four ways to use baking soda as an acne treatment. Be careful for you who have sensitive skin, yes.

5 Dangers of Baking Soda for Acne

baking soda for acne

Acne is a problem that disrupts the facial skin, which does not go away, so it needs to be addressed until the cause of acne. Nowadays, everything about acne often makes our self-esteem decrease, especially for teenagers who have just gone through youth. There are various ways to remove acne, such as using a mask for acne prone skin made from herbal ingredients, to the use of chemicals in pharmacies such as acne facial serum.

The cause of acne is very varied, often we do not realize that certain ingredients turned out to be harmful to acne. One of the ingredients that you should notice is baking soda.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the ingredients in baking that is used as a dough developer. Baking soda is one of the synthetic chemicals that have the name dangang chemical sodium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda can be made through the Solvay process. In the process, sodium chloride, ammonia, and carbon dioxide will be reacted together with dissolved in water.

The chemical formula of baking soda is NaHCO 3, where baking soda can be prepared from sodium carbonate (soda wash or soda ash) dissolved in water, and then reacted with carbon dioxide according to the following equation:

    Na 2 CO 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O → 2 NaHCO 3

Currently, baking soda is also often used for skin health and beauty. In fact, baking soda or baking soda has benefits as a way of getting rid of acne with baking soda . However, it turns out that baking soda has a bad effect for acne.

What is the danger like? Check out this article!

Dangers of Baking Soda for Acne

As a chemical, baking soda is often used for the skin as a cleansing agent, bleach, and can brighten the skin just in a short time. Facial skin will be white, clean, and help remove acne. Another advantage of baking soda is its affordable price, it can be found anywhere, and its effect is fast and promising.

Therefore, many people try to use baking soda as an instant way to maintain facial skin. Well, it turns out baking soda also has a danger that threatens acne. The following are the dangers that can be generated:

1. Material content is strong, hard, and less safe for facial skin

Baking soda is included in a hard material, which is usually used as a cleanser, such as ceramic cleaners. Baking soda can be a danger in doses or doses that are too high. Therefore, due to the strong, tough, and less-than-safe nature of baking soda, it is necessary to prescribe a physician recommendation for daily use of baking soda as an acne remedy.

2. Damaging the epidermal skin layer

Our skin tissue consists of several layers. The outermost layer of the skin is called a layer of epidermis that is useful in protecting the body from the dangers of sunlight that there is ultraviolet light. In addition, the epidermis also has benefits in protecting from dirt and dust causing daily acne . In baking soda, contained alkaline compounds that can damage the epidermal layer of the skin so it is not good to use.

The nature of baking soda as an exfoliation agent or skin exfoliating agent actually has the advantage, which can lift dead skin cells so the skin will look clean and bright. However, if its use in excessive doses, the epidermis layer or epidermis thinner will become thinner and can even come peeled off. This will affect the acne on the face that grows on the location of deeper skin tissue.

Baking soda used as a facial cleanser or in acne medication has many risks. It's good you know the characteristics of dangerous acne drugs before buying. Skin damage caused by baking soda can be permanent. Therefore, choose a drug with baking soda content that is safe for facial skin.

3. Causes swelling and irritation of the skin

Baking soda was also affected by skin sensitivity. Some side effects that can be caused by the use of baking soda is irritation, skin redness, and feeling sore and swollen. Therefore, long-term use requires appropriate rules, along with adequate shelter.

As a comparison, you must know aluminum foil. Aluminum foil turned out to be damaged by baking soda, well terbapangkah by you how the skin, especially soft skin and soft structure will be damaged. Baking soda belongs to the group of alkaloid salts, alkaloid, corrosive, and abrasive. These properties are not suitable for sensitive skin, so as a result the skin will experience irritation, redness swelling, and pain appears. In severe cases, the skin may become burnt causing injury.

It is closely related to acne, where swollen pimples can become more severe. Therefore, consider how to reduce the swelling of acne and how to remove pockmarks acne scars are naturally safe to do.

4. The skin becomes dry

Famous baking soda can overcome oily skin. You need to know also Moisturizing And Cleanser For Acne And Oily Skin . This is supported by alkaloid compounds or compounds with alkaline properties present in baking soda, which are potent in overcoming excessively produced oils. The use of baking soda that too often turns out not good effect for the face, which can decrease oil production or sebum in the face. Thus, the skin will become drier. Dry skin of course complicate the healing process of acne.

Another effect of dry skin is that the skin looks dull, non-glowing, inelastic, and sagging. The further danger is the appearance of wrinkles prematurely. For that, use a mask for acne prone skin .

5. Leave a permanent, dull and black spot

Baking soda which is one of the ingredients in the manufacture of cakes was also able to leave a permanent mark. Baking soda is not good if used excessively, it is necessary to note the frequency of use of the cause can be bad for skin health. Smooth facial skin can become dull and become black patches.

This does not help remove acne scars and black spots, but instead adds unwanted scars to the skin.

Well after reading the above article, consider the things above before deciding to use baking soda as skin lightening. The dangers that may arise may not you feel, but still be vigilant in order to avoid unwanted things.